1. (REQUIRED) This service is available free of charge for researchers in academic institutions. You must agree to the following License Agreement to use the software.
2. (REQUIRED) Paste fasta-formatted sequence here or list of identifiers (e.g. LocusLink numbers)
3. (OPTIONAL) Parameters
3.1. Upstream sequence length: base pairs [default = 5 kb]
3.2. Include first exon and first intron? YES NO [default = yes]
3.3. Maximum distance between motifs: [default = 100 bp]
3.4. Minimum number of transcripts with regulatory region: [default = 4]
3.5. Species hs mm dm sc [default = hs]
3.6. Motifs.
3.7 Run single motif search [default = on]
3.8 Use motifs from TRANSFAC [default = on]
From: (your email address please) Subject: (basic description)
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