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 Scholar Results 1 - 5 of 5 for HSF1 and EN1. (0.04 seconds) 

ORN-014 (previously ORN-004)
FG Grouping, H Pathway, B Bmp, S Pathway, S … -
... Hedgehog Pathway: Bmp2, Bmp4, En1-M (engrailed), Hnf3b (Foxa2), Hip-M, Ptch, Wnt2 ...
Stress Pathway: Atf2, c-fos (Fos), Hsf1 (tcf5), Hsp90-M, Hspb1 (hsp25), Hspca ...
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GEArray Q Series Human Signal Transduction PathwayFinder Gene Array: AR-SAHS-008
FG Grouping, H Pathway, BMP BMP, S Pathway, S … -
... MYC (c-myc), WISP1, WISP2, WISP3 Hedgehog Pathway: BMP2, BMP4, EN1 (engrailed),
HIP ... Stress Pathway: ATF2, FOS (c-fos), HSF1 (tcf5), HSPB1 (hsp27), HSPCA (hsp90 ...
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GEArray Q Series Mouse Signal Transduction PathwayFinder Gene Array: AR-SAMM-008
FG Grouping, H Pathway, B Bmp, S Pathway, S … -
... Hedgehog Pathway: Bmp2, Bmp4, En1 (engrailed), Hip, Foxa2 (forkhead box A2, HNF3B ...
Stress Pathway: Atf2, Fos (c-fos), Hsf1 (tcf5), Hsp25 (hsp27), Hsp90, Myc (c ...
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GEArray Q Series Human Signal Transduction in Cancer Gene Array: AR-SAHS-044
FG Grouping, A Pathway, C CDK, E Pathway, B BCL, H … -
... Hedgehog Pathway: BMP2, BMP4, EN1 (engrailed), HHIP, FOXA2 (HNF3B), PTCH, PTCH2 ... Stress /
Heat Shock Pathways: HSF1 (tcf5), HSPA4 (hsp70), HSPB1 (hsp27), HSPB2 ...
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A statistical analysis of the TRANSFAC database.
GB Fogel, DG Weekes, G Varga, ER Dow, AM Craven, … - Biosystems, 2005 -
Page 1. BioSystems xxx (2005) xxx–xxx A statistical analysis of the TRANSFAC database
Gary B. Fogel a , Dana G. Weekes a , Gabor Varga b , Ernst R. Dow b , ...
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