1: Dev Biol. 2005 Sep 15;285(2):298-315. Development of the central nervous system in the larvacean Oikopleura dioica and the evolution of the chordate brain. Canestro C, Bassham S, Postlethwait J. Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA. In non-vertebrate chordates, central nervous system (CNS) development has been studied in only two taxa, the Cephalochordata and a single Class (Ascidiacea) of the morphologically diverse Urochordata. To understand development and molecular regionalization of the brain in a different deeply diverging chordate clade, we isolated and determined the expression patterns of orthologs of vertebrate CNS markers (otxa, otxb, otxc, pax6, pax2/5/8a, pax2/5/8b, engrailed, and hox1) in Oikopleura dioica (Subphylum Urochordata, Class Larvacea). The three Oikopleura otx genes are expressed similarly to vertebrate Otx paralogs, demonstrating that trans-homologs converged on similar evolutionary outcomes by independent neo- or subfunctionalization processes during the evolution of the two taxa. This work revealed that the Oikopleura CNS possesses homologs of the vertebrate forebrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, but not the midbrain. Comparing larvacean gene expression patterns to published results in ascidians disclosed important developmental differences and similarities that suggest mechanisms of development likely present in their last common ancestor. In contrast to ascidians, the lack of a radical reorganization of the CNS as larvaceans become adults allows us to relate embryonic gene expression patterns to three subdivisions of the adult anterior brain. Our study of the Oikopleura brain provides new insights into chordate CNS evolution: first, the absence of midbrain is a urochordate synapomorphy and not a peculiarity of ascidians, perhaps resulting from their drastic CNS metamorphosis; second, there is no convincing evidence for a homolog of a midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB) organizer in urochordates; and third, the expression pattern of "MHB-genes" in the urochordate hindbrain suggests that they function in the development of specific neurons rather than in an MHB organizer. PMID: 16111672 [PubMed - in process] --------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Int J Dev Biol. 2005;49(2-3):231-5. Isthmus organizer and regionalization of the mesencephalon and metencephalon. Nakamura H, Watanabe Y. Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Graduate School of Life Sciences and Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. nakamura@idac.tohoku.ac.jp The brain vesicles that are formed at an early stage of neural development are the fundamentals of the brain plan. Heterotopic transplantation revealed that the diencephalon could change its fate when juxtaposed to the isthmus (mes-metencephalic boundary), which indicated that the isthmus functions as an organizer for the mesencephalon and metencephalon. Fgf8 is identified as an isthmus organizing signal. Misexpression of Fgf8a and Fgf8b indicated that a strong Fgf8 signal organizes cerebellar development. The transcription factors define the fate of the region. Overlapping expression of Otx2, En1 and Pax2 may define the mesencephalic region and additional expression of Pax3/7 may instruct the mesencephalic region to differentiate into the tectum. The di-mesencephalic boundary is determined by repressive interaction between Pax6 and En1/Pax2 and the mes-metencephalic boundary is defined by repressive interaction between Otx2 and Gbx2. Fgf8 is induced at the border of the Otx2 and Gbx2 expression domain, overlapping with Gbx2 expression. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 15906236 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Mol Biol Evol. 2005 Jul;22(7):1569-78. Epub 2005 Apr 27. The Trichoplax PaxB gene: a putative Proto-PaxA/B/C gene predating the origin of nerve and sensory cells. Hadrys T, DeSalle R, Sagasser S, Fischer N, Schierwater B. ITZ, Ecology & Evolution, Hannover, Germany. thorsten.hadrys@uni-oldenburg.de Pax genes play key regulatory roles in embryonic and sensory organ development in metazoans but their evolution and ancestral functions remain widely unresolved. We have isolated a Pax gene from Placozoa, beside Porifera the only metazoan phylum that completely lacks nerve and sensory cells or organs. These simplest known metazoans also lack any kind of symmetry, organs, extracellular matrix, basal lamina, muscle cells, and main body axis. The isolated Pax gene from Trichoplax adhaerens harbors a paired domain, an octapeptide, and a full-length homeodomain. It displays structural features not only of PaxB and Pax2/5/8-like genes but also of PaxC and Pax6 genes. Conserved splice sites between Placozoa, Cnidaria, and triploblasts, mark the ancient origin of intron structures. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that the Trichoplax PaxB gene, TriPaxB, is basal not only to all other known PaxB genes but also to PaxA and PaxC genes and their relatives in triploblasts (namely Pax2/5/8, Pax4/6, and Poxneuro). TriPaxB is expressed in distinct cell patches near the outer edge of the animal body, where undifferentiated and possibly multipotent cells are found. This expression pattern indicates a developmental role in cell-type specification and/or differentiation, probably in specifying-determining fiber cells, which are regarded as proto-neural/muscle cells in Trichoplax. While PaxB, Pax2/5/8, and Pax6 genes have been linked to nerve cell and sensory system/organ development in virtually all animals investigated so far, our study suggests that Pax genes predate the origin of nerve and sensory cells. PMID: 15858210 [PubMed - in process] --------------------------------------------------------------- 4: Dev Neurosci. 2004;26(5-6):308-17. The lens has a specific influence on optic nerve and tectum development in the blind cavefish Astyanax. Soares D, Yamamoto Y, Strickler AG, Jeffery WR. Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA. We used the teleost Astyanaxmexicanus to examine the role of the lens in optic nerve and tectum development. This speciesis unusually suited for studies of nervous system development and evolution because of its two extant forms: an eyed surface dwelling (surface fish) and several blind cave dwelling (cavefish) forms. Cavefish embryos initially form eye primordia, but the lens eventually dies by apoptosis, then the retina ceases to grow, and finally the degenerating eyes sink into the orbits. Transplantation of an embryonic surface fish lens into a cavefish optic cup restores eye development. We show here that retinal nerve fibers are formed and project to the optic tectum in cavefish embryos. In adult cavefish that have completed lens degeneration, however, the number of retinal axons in the optic nerve is substantially reduced compared to surface fish. The presumptive brain domains of embryonic cavefish are not altered relative to surface fish based on expression of the regional marker genes Pax6, Pax2.1, and engrailed2. In contrast, the adult cavefish brain is elongated, the optic tectum is diminished in volume, and the number of tectal neurons is reduced relative to surface fish. Unilateral transplantation of an embryonic surface fish lens into a cavefish optic cup increases the size of the optic nerve, the number of retinotectal projections from the restored eye, and the volume and neuronal content of the contralateral optic tectum. The results suggest that the lens has a specific influence on optic nerve and tectum development during eye growth in Astyanax. Copyright 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel. PMID: 15855759 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 5: Development. 2005 Apr;132(8):1895-905. Functional analysis of the chicken delta1-crystallin enhancer activity in Drosophila reveals remarkable evolutionary conservation between chicken and fly. Blanco J, Girard F, Kamachi Y, Kondoh H, Gehring WJ. Department of Cell Biology, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 70, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland. Functional conservation of enhancers among evolutionarily diverged organisms is a powerful way to identify basic regulatory circuits and key developmental regulators. This is especially applicable to Crystallin genes. Despite unexpected heterogeneity and diversity in their DNA sequences, many studies have revealed that most of the Crystallin genes are regulated by a relatively small set of developmentally important transcription factors. The chicken delta1-crystallin is one of the best-characterized Crystallin genes. Its lens-specific regulation is governed by a 30 bp long DC5 fragment present in the third intron of the gene. DC5 contains PAX6 and SOX2 binding sites, and its activity depends on the cooperative binding of these two transcription factors. To test the idea that Pax6 and Sox2, together with the DC5 enhancer, could form a basic regulatory circuit functional in distantly related animals, we introduced the DC5 fragment into Drosophila and studied its activation pattern and regulation. The results show that the DC5 enhancer is not only active in the compound eye but, remarkably, is specifically active in those cells responsible for Crystallin secretion in Drosophila, i.e. the cone cells. However, regulation of the DC5 enhancer is carried out not by Pax6, but by Pax2 (D-Pax2; shaven--FlyBase) in combination with the Sox2 homologue SoxN. Both proteins (D-PAX2 and SOXN) bind cooperatively to the DC5 fragment and activate the enhancer synergistically. As PAX6 and PAX2 proteins derive from the same ancestor, we propose that during evolution Pax6 function in vertebrate lens development was retained by Pax2 in Drosophila. PMID: 15790965 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 6: Hum Mol Genet. 2005 Apr 1;14(7):913-23. Epub 2005 Feb 9. Natural antisense transcripts associated with genes involved in eye development. Alfano G, Vitiello C, Caccioppoli C, Caramico T, Carola A, Szego MJ, McInnes RR, Auricchio A, Banfi S. Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131 Naples, Italy. Natural antisense transcripts (NATs) are a class of genes whose role in controlling gene expression is becoming more and more relevant. We describe the identification of eight novel mouse NATs associated with transcription factors (Pax6, Pax2, Six3, Six6, Otx2, Crx, Rax and Vax2) that play an important role in eye development and function. These newly identified NATs overlap with the mature processed mRNAs or with the primary unprocessed transcript of their corresponding sense genes, are predicted to represent either protein coding or non-coding RNAs and undergo extensive alternative splicing. Expression studies, by both RT-PCR and RNA in situ hybridization, demonstrate that most of these NATs, similarly to their sense counterparts, display a specific or predominant expression in the retina, particularly at postnatal stages. We found a significant reduction of the expression levels of one of these NATs, Vax2OS (Vax2 opposite strand) in a mouse mutant carrying the inactivation of Vax2, the corresponding sense gene. In addition, we overexpressed another NAT, CrxOS, in mouse adult retina using adeno-associated viral vectors and we observed a significant decrease in the expression levels of the corresponding sense gene, Crx. These results suggest that these transcripts are functionally related to their sense counterparts and may play an important role in regulating the molecular mechanisms that underlie eye development and function in both physiological and pathological conditions. PMID: 15703187 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 7: Am J Ophthalmol. 2005 Jan;139(1):203-5. Macular abnormalities and optic disk anomaly associated with a new PAX2 missense mutation. Higashide T, Wada T, Sakurai M, Yokoyama H, Sugiyama K. Department of Ophthalmology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa, Japan. eyetomo@kenroku.kanazawa-u.ac.jp PURPOSE: To report a family with macular abnormalities accompanied by anomalies of the optic disk and kidney associated with a new PAX2 missense mutation. DESIGN: Observational case report. METHODS: A 34-year-old female presented with horizontal nystagmus, poor visual acuity, and chronic renal failure. She had bilateral colobomatous disk anomaly and foveal hypoplasia. Her mother also had renal dysfunction and bilaterally impaired vision. Besides the optic disk dysplasia, the fovea was hypoplastic in the right eye, whereas pigmented macular atrophy was observed in the left eye. The entire coding regions of PAX2 and PAX6 were screened for mutations. RESULTS: A heterozygous mutation G755C in exon 2 of PAX2 that results in a missense mutation, R71T, was identified in the proband and her mother. No mutations were detected in PAX6. CONCLUSIONS: A new PAX2 missense mutation, R71T, may cause macular abnormalities in addition to anomalies of the optic disk and the kidney. Publication Types: Case Reports PMID: 15652857 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 8: Dev Biol. 2004 Jul 15;271(2):439-66. Molecular anatomy of placode development in Xenopus laevis. Schlosser G, Ahrens K. Brain Research Institute, University of Bremen, 28334 Bremen, Germany. gschloss@uni-bremen.de We analyzed the spatiotemporal pattern of expression of 15 transcription factors (Six1, Six4, Eya1, Sox3, Sox2, Pax6, Pax3, Pax2, Pax8, Dlx3, Msx1, FoxI1c, Tbx2, Tbx3, Xiro1) during placode development in Xenopus laevis from neural plate to late tail bud stages. Out of all genes investigated, only the expression of Eya1, Six1, and Six4 is maintained in all types of placode (except the lens) throughout embryonic development, suggesting that they may promote generic placodal properties and that their crescent-shaped expression domain surrounding the neural plate defines a panplacodal primordium from which all types of placode originate. Double-labeling procedures were employed to reveal the precise position of this panplacodal primordium relative to neural plate, neural crest, and other placodal markers. Already at neural plate stages, the panplacodal primordium is subdivided into several subregions defined by particular combinations of transcription factors allowing us to identify the approximate regions of origin of various types of placode. Whereas some types of placode were already prefigured by molecularly distinct areas at neural plate stages, the epibranchial, otic, and lateral line placodes arise from a common posterior placodal area (characterized by Pax8 and Pax2 expression) and acquire differential molecular signatures only after neural tube closure. Our findings argue for a multistep mechanism of placode induction, support a combinatorial model of placode specification, and suggest that different placodes evolved from a common placodal primordium by successive recruitment of new inducers and target genes. PMID: 15223346 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 9: J Neurobiol. 2004 Apr;59(1):48-56. Polarity and laminar formation of the optic tectum in relation to retinal projection. Nakamura H, Sugiyama S. Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Graduate School of Life Sciences and Institute of Development Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Seiryo-machi 4-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan. nakamura@idac.tohoku.ac.jp The mes-metencephalic boundary (isthmus) works as an organizer for the tectum, and the organizing molecule may be Fgf8. The region where Otx2, En1, and Pax2 are expressed overlappingly may differentiate into the mesencephalon. The di-mesencephalic and mes-metencephalic boundaries are determined by repressive interaction of Pax6 and En1/Pax2 and of Otx2 and Gbx2, respectively. The optic tectum is a visual center in lower vertebrates. The tectum and the retina should be regionalized and be positionally specialized for the proper retinotopic projection. Gradient of En2 plays a crucial role in rostrocaudal polarity formation of the tectum. En2 confers caudal characteristics of the retina by inducing ephrinA2 and A5, which are the repellant molecules for the growth cones of temporal retinal ganglion cells. Grg4 antagonizes the isthmus-related genes, and is involved in the formation of di-mesencephalic boundary and tectal polarity formation at an early phase of development. Then, Grg4 plays a role in tectal laminar formation by controlling the migration pathway. Migration pathway of tectal postmitotic cells changes after E5. The late migratory cells split the early migratory neurons to form laminae h-j of SGFS. Grg4 is expressed in the ventricular layer after E5, and forces postmitotic cells to follow the late migratory pathway, though retinal fibers terminate at laminae a-f of SGFS. Misexpression of Grg4 disrupts the lamina g, and in such tecta retinal arbors invade deep into the tectal layer, indicating that lamina g is a nonpermissive lamina for the retinal arbors. Copyright 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 59: 48-56, 2004 Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 15007826 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 10: Development. 2004 Feb;131(3):613-27. Epub 2004 Jan 7. Prep1.1 has essential genetic functions in hindbrain development and cranial neural crest cell differentiation. Deflorian G, Tiso N, Ferretti E, Meyer D, Blasi F, Bortolussi M, Argenton F. Dipartimento di Biologia, Universita' di Padova, Via U. Bassi 58/B, 35131 Padova, Italy. In this study we analysed the function of the Meinox gene prep1.1 during zebrafish development. Meinox proteins form heterotrimeric complexes with Hox and Pbx members, increasing the DNA binding specificity of Hox proteins in vitro and in vivo. However, a role for a specific Meinox protein in the regulation of Hox activity in vivo has not been demonstrated. In situ hybridization showed that prep1.1 is expressed maternally and ubiquitously up to 24 hours post-fertilization (hpf), and restricted to the head from 48 hpf onwards. Morpholino-induced prep1.1 loss-of-function caused significant apoptosis in the CNS. Hindbrain segmentation and patterning was affected severely, as revealed by either loss or defective expression of several hindbrain markers (foxb1.2/mariposa, krox20, pax2.1 and pax6.1), including anteriorly expressed Hox genes (hoxb1a, hoxa2 and hoxb2), the impaired migration of facial nerve motor neurons, and the lack of reticulospinal neurons (RSNs) except Mauthner cells. Furthermore, the heads of prep1.1 morphants lacked all pharyngeal cartilages. This was not caused by the absence of neural crest cells or their impaired migration into the pharyngeal arches, as shown by expression of dlx2 and snail1, but by the inability of these cells to differentiate into chondroblasts. Our results indicate that prep1.1 has a unique genetic function in craniofacial chondrogenesis and, acting as a member of Meinox-Pbc-Hox trimers, it plays an essential role in hindbrain development. PMID: 14711874 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 11: Dev Cell. 2003 Nov;5(5):773-85. Role of Pax genes in eye evolution: a cnidarian PaxB gene uniting Pax2 and Pax6 functions. Kozmik Z, Daube M, Frei E, Norman B, Kos L, Dishaw LJ, Noll M, Piatigorsky J. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. PaxB from Tripedalia cystophora, a cubomedusan jellyfish possessing complex eyes (ocelli), was characterized. PaxB, the only Pax gene found in this cnidarian, is expressed in the larva, retina, lens, and statocyst. PaxB contains a Pax2/5/8-type paired domain and octapeptide, but a Pax6 prd-type homeodomain. Pax2/5/8-like properties of PaxB include a DNA binding specificity of the paired domain, activation and inhibitory domains, and the ability to rescue spa(pol), a Drosophila Pax2 eye mutant. Like Pax6, PaxB activates jellyfish crystallin and Drosophila rhodopsin rh6 promoters and induces small ectopic eyes in Drosophila. Pax6 has been considered a "master" control gene for eye development. Our data suggest that the ancestor of jellyfish PaxB, a PaxB-like protein, was the primordial Pax protein in eye evolution and that Pax6-like genes evolved in triploblasts after separation from Cnidaria, raising the possibility that cnidarian and sophisticated triploblastic eyes arose independently. PMID: 14602077 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 12: Klin Oczna. 2003;105(3-4):207-10. [Formation of congenital defects during ocular development. II. Genetic background of oculogenesis and developmental birth defects] [Article in Polish] Krawczynski MR. Pracowni Poradnictwa Genetycznego w Chorobach Narzadu Wzroku Katedry, Zakladu Genetyki Medycznej Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu. The course of oculogenesis is genetically controlled by genes, that are selectively expressed in the developing eye. Many of them, first recognized in studies on model animals, such as fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) proved, that they play similar roles in humans. The crucial role in cascade of genetic control of oculogenesis plays a system of genes PAX6-EYA1/SIX3-DACH1. In this work there are described also other genes, that form a network of interactions and regulations, such as: BMP4, BMP7, OPTX2, SOX1, PAX2, PITX2, PAX3, CHX10 and other genes. Describing function of each gene, author presented simultaneously all known congenital defects and syndromes, that are caused by mutations of above mentioned genes, such as: aniridia, anophthalmia, Peters anomaly and others. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 14552188 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 13: J Exp Zoolog B Mol Dev Evol. 2003 Oct 15;299(1):26-35. DNA-binding characteristics of cnidarian Pax-C and Pax-B proteins in vivo and in vitro: no simple relationship with the Pax-6 and Pax-2/5/8 classes. Plaza S, De Jong DM, Gehring WJ, Miller DJ. Biozentrum, University of Basel, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland. Cnidarians are the simplest animals in which distinct eyes are present. We have previously suggested that cnidarian Pax-Cam might represent a precursor of the Pax-6 class. Here we show that when expressed in Drosophila imaginal discs, Pax-Cam chimeric proteins containing the C-terminal region of EY were capable of eye induction and driving expression of a reporter gene under the control of a known EY target (the sine oculis gene). Whilst these results are consistent with a Pax-6-like function for Pax-Cam, in band shift experiments we were unable to distinguish the DNA-binding behaviour of the Pax-Cam Paired domain from that of a second Acropora Pax protein, Pax-Bam. The ability of a Pax-Bam/EY chimera to also induce eye formation in leg imaginal discs, together with the in vitro data, cast doubt on previously assumed direct relationships between cnidarian Pax genes and the Pax-6 and Pax-2/5/8 classes of bilateral animals. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. PMID: 14508814 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 14: Oncogene. 2003 Sep 11;22(39):7989-97. Paired-Box genes are frequently expressed in cancer and often required for cancer cell survival. Muratovska A, Zhou C, He S, Goodyer P, Eccles MR. Department of Pathology, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago, PO Box 913, Dunedin, New Zealand. The paired-box (PAX) genes encode a family of nine well-characterized paired-box transcription factors, with important roles in development and disease. Although PAX genes are primarily expressed in the embryo, constitutive expression promotes tissue hyperplasia. Rare tumor-specific mutations of PAX genes implicate an oncogenic role, and persistent PAX expression characterizes several tumors. Yet, a cancer-wide analysis of PAX gene expression to investigate a general role for PAX genes has not been performed. We analysed the pattern and requirement for PAX gene expression in a panel of common cancer cell lines. Very frequent PAX gene expression was identified in tumor cell lines, including lymphoma, breast, ovarian, lung, and colon cancer. In addition, the PAX2 gene was frequently expressed in a panel of 406 common primary tumor tissues. Apoptosis was rapidly induced in ovarian and bladder cancer cell lines following RNA interference to silence PAX2 expression, despite concomitant TP53 and/or HRAS mutations. These data suggest that PAX genes are frequently expressed in cancer, and that endogenous PAX gene expression is required for the growth and survival of cancer cells. PMID: 12970747 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 15: Development. 2003 Jul;130(13):2903-15. Retinal pigmented epithelium determination requires the redundant activities of Pax2 and Pax6. Baumer N, Marquardt T, Stoykova A, Spieler D, Treichel D, Ashery-Padan R, Gruss P. Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, Am Fassberg 11, D-37077 Gottingen, Germany. The transcription factors Pax2 and Pax6 are co-expressed in the entire optic vesicle (OV) prior and concomitant with the establishment of distinct neuroretinal, retinal, pigmented-epithelial and optic-stalk progenitor domains, suggesting redundant functions during retinal determination. Pax2; Pax6 compound mutants display a dose-dependent reduction in the expression of the melanocyte determinant Mitf, accompanied by transdifferentiation of retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) into neuroretina (NR) in Pax2(-/-); Pax6(+/-) embryos, which strongly resembles the phenotype of Mitf-null mutants. In Pax2(-/-); Pax6(-/-) OVs Mitf fails to be expressed and NR markers occupy the area that usually represents the Mitf(+) RPE domain. Furthermore, both, Pax2 and Pax6 bind to and activate a MITF RPE-promoter element in vitro, whereas prolonged expression of Pax6 in the Pax2-positive optic stalk leads to ectopic Mitf expression and RPE differentiation in vivo. Together, these results demonstrate that the redundant activities of Pax2 and Pax6 direct the determination of RPE, potentially by directly controlling the expression of RPE determinants. PMID: 12756174 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 16: Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Jun;72(6):1565-70. Epub 2003 Apr 29. Mutations of the PAX6 gene detected in patients with a variety of optic-nerve malformations. Azuma N, Yamaguchi Y, Handa H, Tadokoro K, Asaka A, Kawase E, Yamada M. Department of Ophthalmology, National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan. azuma-n@ncchd.go.jp The PAX6 gene is involved in ocular morphogenesis and is expressed in the developing central nervous system and numerous ocular tissues during development. PAX6 mutations have been detected in various ocular anomalies, including aniridia, Peters anomaly, corneal dystrophy, congenital cataracts, and foveal hypoplasia. However, it has not been identified in patients with optic-nerve malformations. Here, we identified novel mutations in eight pedigrees with optic-nerve malformations, including coloboma, morning glory disc anomaly, optic-nerve hypoplasia/aplasia, and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. A functional assay demonstrated that each mutation decreased the transcriptional activation potential of PAX6 through the paired DNA-binding domain. PAX6 and PAX2 are each thought to downregulate the expression of the other. Four of the detected mutations affected PAX6-mediated transcriptional repression of the PAX2 promoter in a reporter assay. Because PAX2 gene mutations were detected in papillorenal syndrome, alternation of PAX2 function by PAX6 mutations may affect phenotypic manifestations of optic-nerve malformations. Publication Types: Case Reports PMID: 12721955 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 17: Development. 2003 Apr;130(8):1565-77. A novel function for Hedgehog signalling in retinal pigment epithelium differentiation. Perron M, Boy S, Amato MA, Viczian A, Koebernick K, Pieler T, Harris WA. Laboratoire d'Embryologie Moleculaire, Bat. 445 Universite Paris XI, 91405 Orsay, France. muriel.perron@emex.u-psud.fr Sonic hedgehog is involved in eye field separation along the proximodistal axis. We show that Hh signalling continues to be important in defining aspects of the proximodistal axis as the optic vesicle and optic cup mature. We show that two other Hedgehog proteins, Banded hedgehog and Cephalic hedgehog, related to the mouse Indian hedgehog and Desert hedgehog, respectively, are strongly expressed in the central retinal pigment epithelium but excluded from the peripheral pigment epithelium surrounding the ciliary marginal zone. By contrast, downstream components of the Hedgehog signalling pathway, Gli2, Gli3 and X-Smoothened, are expressed in this narrow peripheral epithelium. We show that this zone contains cells that are in the proliferative state. This equivalent region in the adult mammalian eye, the pigmented ciliary epithelium, has been identified as a zone in which retinal stem cells reside. These data, combined with double labelling and the use of other retinal pigment epithelium markers, show that the retinal pigment epithelium of tadpole embryos has a molecularly distinct peripheral to central axis. In addition, Gli2, Gli3 and X-Smoothened are also expressed in the neural retina, in the most peripheral region of the ciliary marginal zone, where retinal stem cells are found in Xenopus, suggesting that they are good markers for retinal stem cells. To test the role of the Hedgehog pathway at different stages of retinogenesis, we activated the pathway by injecting a dominant-negative form of PKA or blocking it by treating embryos with cyclopamine. Embryos injected or treated at early stages display clear proximodistal defects in the retina. Interestingly, the main phenotype of embryos treated with cyclopamine at late stages is a severe defect in RPE differentiation. This study thus provides new insights into the role of Hedgehog signalling in the formation of the proximodistal axis of the eye and the differentiation of retinal pigment epithelium. PMID: 12620982 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 18: Teratology. 2002 Oct;66(4):153-63. An in ovo chicken model to study the systemic and localized teratogenic effects of valproic acid. Whitsel AI, Johnson CB, Forehand CJ. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont 05401. BACKGROUND: The antiepileptic valproic acid (VPA) is a teratogen whose embryopathic mechanism(s) remain uncertain. Elucidating potential cellular and molecular effects of VPA is complicated by systemic application paradigms. We developed an in ovo model to reproduce the teratogenic effects of VPA and a localized VPA application procedure to determine whether VPA can selectively effect abnormal development in one region of the embryo. METHODS: VPA was applied topically to chicken embryos in ovo at different embryonic stages. Embryos were later evaluated for gross and skeletal anomalies. Pax-2 and Pax-6 protein expression in the developing eye was also evaluated because VPA-induced eye anomalies are similar to those seen by the disruption of Pax-2 and Pax-6. For localized application, a thin sheet of the synthetic polymer Elvax was impregnated with VPA. A small piece of the VPA-impregnated polymer was applied directly to the presumptive wing bud region in Stage 10-17 embryos. Embryos were examined for gross and skeletal anomalies. Sham controls were employed for all experiments. RESULTS: Chicken embryos exposed to VPA in ovo demonstrated increased mortality, growth delay and anomalies similar to ones previously seen in humans: neural tube, cardiovascular, craniofacial, limb and skeletal. Pax-2 and Pax-6 protein expression was qualitatively diminished in the eye. Localized wing bud VPA exposure caused structural abnormalities in the developing wing in the absence of other anomalies in the embryos. These wing defects were similar to those observed after topical whole-embryo VPA application. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that at least one mechanism for the teratogenicity of VPA involves a direct effect on developing tissue. The nature of the abnormalities observed implies that this effect may be mediated by disruption of genes that regulate pattern formation. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. PMID: 12353211 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 19: Genesis. 2002 Jun;33(2):86-96. Axes establishment during eye morphogenesis in Xenopus by coordinate and antagonistic actions of BMP4, Shh, and RA. Sasagawa S, Takabatake T, Takabatake Y, Muramatsu T, Takeshima K. Graduate School of Human Informatics, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. We have examined the roles of BMP4, Shh, and retinoic acid in establishing the proximal-distal and dorsal-ventral axes in the developing Xenopus eye. Misexpression of BMP4 caused the absence of an optic stalk and the expansion of dorsal and distal markers, tbx2/3/5, and pax6, at the expense of ventral and proximal markers vax2 and pax2. When Shh or Noggin, an antagonist of BMPs, was misexpressed, the reverse expression patterns of these marker genes were observed. These results suggest that BMP4 is involved in the specification of not only dorsal in the optic cup but also distal in the optic vesicle. Because Shh did not suppress bmp4 expression, unlike Noggin, Shh and BMP4 may antagonistically regulate common downstream genes in developing eye. We also found the difference between the effects of Shh and retinoic acid, another possible ventralizing factor, suggesting that Shh could promote ventralization independently of retinoic acid. These findings provide important clues to the coordinate and antagonistic actions of BMP4, Shh, and retinoic acid in axes specifications of Xenopus eyes. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. PMID: 12112877 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 20: Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2002 Aug;12(4):430-4. Pax genes and eye organogenesis. Pichaud F, Desplan C. Department of Biology, New York University, New York, New York 10003, USA. Pax6 is a highly conserved gene that controls eye development in all species where it has been tested. In spite of this common 'master control regulator', the eyes of different animals are morphologically very different and it is believed that they have evolved independently multiple times through evolution. Recent works looking at eye development in 'primitive' species offer some explanation as to the surprising amount of conservation in genetic and morphogenetic pathways involved in eye development. These studies not only implicate the Pax genes but also the So/Six gene family in playing a crucial ancestral role in visual system development. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 12100888 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 21: Mech Dev. 2002 Feb;111(1-2):75-87. Dach1, a vertebrate homologue of Drosophila dachshund, is expressed in the developing eye and ear of both chick and mouse and is regulated independently of Pax and Eya genes. Heanue TA, Davis RJ, Rowitch DH, Kispert A, McMahon AP, Mardon G, Tabin CJ. Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. We have cloned a chick homologue of Drosophila dachshund (dac), termed Dach1. Dach1 is the orthologue of mouse and human Dac/Dach (hereafter referred to as Dach1). We show that chick Dach1 is expressed in a variety of sites during embryonic development, including the eye and ear. Previous work has demonstrated the existence of a functional network and genetic regulatory hierarchy in Drosophila in which eyeless (ey, the Pax6 orthologue), eyes absent (eya), and dac operate together to regulate Drosophila eye development, and that ey regulates the expression of eya and dac. We find that in the developing eye of both chick and mouse, expression domains of Dach1 overlap with those of Pax6, a gene required for normal eye development. Similarly, in the developing ear of both mouse and chick, Dach1 expression overlaps with the expression of another Pax gene, Pax2. In the mouse, Dach1 expression in the developing ear also overlaps with the expression of Eya1 (an eya homologue). Both Pax2 and Eya1 are required for normal ear development. Our expression studies suggest that the Drosophila Pax-eya-dac regulatory network may be evolutionarily conserved such that Pax genes, Eya1, and Dach1 may function together in vertebrates to regulate neural development. To address the further possibility that a regulatory hierarchy exists between Pax, Eya, and Dach genes, we have examined the expression of mouse Dach1 in Pax6, Pax2 and Eya1 mutant backgrounds. Our results indicate that Pax6, Pax2, and Eya1 do not regulate Dach1 expression through a simple linear hierarchy. PMID: 11804780 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 22: Prog Neurobiol. 2001 Dec;65(5):473-88. Regionalisation and acquisition of polarity in the optic tectum. Nakamura H. Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Seiryo-machi 4-1, Aoba-ku, 980-8575, Sendai, Japan. makamura@idac.tohoku.ac.jp The optic tectum differentiates from the alar plate of the mesencephalon and receives retinal fibres in a precise retinotopic manner. Here, mechanisms of tectum polarisation and regionalisation are reviewed. Misexpression of Pax2, Pax5 or En can change the fate of the presumptive diencephalon to that of the tectum. Ephrin A2 and A5 are expressed in a gradient in the tectum, caudal high and rostral low, and may play important roles in the formation of a precise retinotectal projection map. Retinal fibres that express receptors for these ligands, and which come from the temporal retina, are repulsed by the ligands and do not invade the caudal tectum. Both En1 and En2 can regulate posterior characteristics in the tectum by inducing ephrin A2 and A5. Transplantation experiments in chick have indicated that the mes/metencephalic boundary works as an organiser for the tectum and the cerebellum. Fgf8 is a candidate signalling molecule in the organiser. Pax2/5, En, and Fgf8 are in a positive feedback loop for their expression such that misexpression of one of these genes in the diencephalon turns on the feedback loop and can result in induction of an optic tectum. Otx2 and Gbx2 appear to repress each other's expression and contribute to defining the posterior border of the tectum. Misexpression of Otx2 in the metencephalon can change the fate of its alar plate to a tectum, and misexpression of Gbx2 in the mesencephalon can cause anterior shifting of the caudal limit of the tectum. The anterior border of the tectum may be determined as a result of repressive interactions between Pax6 and En1/Pax2. Along the dorsoventral axis of the mesencephalon, Shh contributes to ventralize the tissue; that is, Shh can change the fate of the presumptive tectum to that of the tegmentum that is the ventral structure. It is proposed that the brain vesicle that expresses Otx2, Pax2, and En1 may differentiate into the tectum. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 11689282 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 23: Development. 2001 Jun;128(11):2019-30. Otx genes are required for tissue specification in the developing eye. Martinez-Morales JR, Signore M, Acampora D, Simeone A, Bovolenta P. Instituto Cajal, CSIC, Dr Arce 37, Madrid 28002, Spain. Patterning of the vertebrate eye appears to be controlled by the mutual regulation and the progressive restriction of the expression domains of a number of genes initially co-expressed within the eye anlage. Previous data suggest that both Otx1 and Otx2 might contribute to the establishment of the different eye territories. Here, we have analysed the ocular phenotype of mice carrying different functional copies of Otx1 and Otx2 and we show that these genes are required in a dose-dependent manner for the normal development of the eye. Thus, all Otx1(-/-); Otx2(+/-) and 30% of Otx1(+/-); Otx2(+/-) genotypes presented consistent and profound ocular malformation, including lens, pigment epithelium, neural retina and optic stalk defects. During embryonic development, optic vesicle infolding was severely altered and the expression of pigment epithelium-specific genes, such as Mitf or tyrosinase, was lost. Lack of pigment epithelium specification was associated with an expansion of the prospective neural retina and optic stalk territories, as determined by the expression of Pax6, Six3 and Pax2. Later in development the presumptive pigment epithelium region acquired features of mature neural retina, including the generation of Islet1-positive neurones. Furthermore, in Otx1(-/-); Otx2(+/-) mice neural retina cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptotic cell death were also severely affected. Based on these findings we propose a model in which Otx gene products are required for the determination and differentiation of the pigment epithelium, co-operating with other eye patterning genes in the determination of the specialised tissues that will constitute the mature vertebrate eye. PMID: 11493524 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 24: Dev Dyn. 2001 Jul;221(3):342-9. Six3 promotes the formation of ectopic optic vesicle-like structures in mouse embryos. Lagutin O, Zhu CC, Furuta Y, Rowitch DH, McMahon AP, Oliver G. Department of Genetics, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38105, USA. A few years ago, three novel murine homeobox genes closely related to the Drosophila sine oculis (so) gene (Six1-3) were isolated and were all included in the Six/so gene family. Because of its early expression in the developing eye field, Six3 was initially thought to be the functional ortholog of the Drosophila so gene. This hypothesis was further supported by the demonstration that ectopic Six3 expression in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) promotes the formation of ectopic lens and retina tissue. Here, we show that similar to Drosophila, where the eyeless/Pax6 gene regulates the eye-specific expression of so, Six3 expression in the murine lens placodal ectoderm is also controlled by Pax6. We also show that ectopic Six3 expression promotes the formation of ectopic optic vesicle-like structures in the hindbrain-midbrain region of developing mouse embryos. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. PMID: 11458394 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 25: Dev Biol. 2001 May 15;233(2):271-90. Temporal and spatial effects of Sonic hedgehog signaling in chick eye morphogenesis. Zhang XM, Yang XJ. Department of Ophthalmology, Jules Stein Eye Institute and Molecular Biology Institute, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA. Proper dorsal--ventral pattern formation of the optic cup is essential for vertebrate eye morphogenesis and retinotectal topographic mapping. Previous studies have suggested that midline tissue-derived Sonic hedgehog (Shh) molecules play critical roles in establishing the bilateral eye fields and in determining the proximal--distal axis of the eye primordium. Here, we have examined the temporal requirements for Shh during the optic vesicle to optic cup transition and after early optic cup formation in chick embryos. Both misexpressing Shh by virus and blocking Shh activity by antibodies resulted in disruption of ventral ocular tissues. Decreasing endogenous Shh signals unexpectedly revealed a sharp morphological boundary subdividing dorsal and ventral portions of the optic cup. In addition, Shh signals differentially influenced expression patterns of genes involved in ocular tissue specification (Pax6, Pax2, and Otx2) and dorsal--ventral patterning (cVax) within the ventral but not dorsal optic cup. Ectopic Shh suppressed expression of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP4) in the dorsal retina, whereas reducing endogenous Sonic hedgehog activity resulted in a ventral expansion of BMP4 territory. These results demonstrate that temporal requirements for Shh signals persist after the formation of the optic cup and suggest that the early vertebrate optic primordium may be subdivided into dorsal and ventral compartments. We propose a model in which ventrally derived Shh signals and dorsally restricted BMP4 signals act antagonistically to regulate the growth and specification of the optic primordium. Copyright 2001 Academic Press. PMID: 11336495 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 26: Histol Histopathol. 2001 Jan;16(1):239-49. Pax genes in development and maturation of the vertebrate visual system: implications for optic nerve regeneration. Ziman MR, Rodger J, Chen P, Papadimitriou JM, Dunlop SA, Beazley LD. Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia. mziman@cyllene.uwa.edu.au Pax genes play a pivotal role in development of the vertebrate visual system. Pax6 is the master control gene for eye development: ectopic expression of Pax6 in Xenopus laevis and Drosphila melanogaster leads to the formation of differentiated eyes on the legs or wings. Pax6 is involved in formation of ganglion cells of the retina, as well as cells of the lens, iris and cornea. In addition Pax6 may play a role in axon guidance in the visual system. Pax2 regulates differentiation of the optic disk through which retinal ganglion cell axons exit the eye. Furthermore, Pax2 plays a critical role in development of the optic chiasm and in the guidance of axons along the contralateral or ipsilateral tracts of the optic nerve to visual targets in the brain. During development Pax7 is expressed in neuronal cells of one of the major visual targets in the brain, the optic tectum/superior colliculus. Neurons expressing Pax7 migrate towards the pia and concentrate in the stratum griseum superficiale (SGFS), the target site for retinal axons. Together, expression of Pax2, 6 and 7 may guide axons during formation of functional retinotectal/collicular projections. Highly regulated Pax gene expression is also observed in mature animals. Moreover, evidence suggests that Pax genes are important for regeneration of the visual system. We are currently investigating Pax gene expression in species that display a range of outcomes of optic nerve regeneration. We predict that such information will provide valuable insights for the induction of successful regeneration of the optic nerve and of other regions of the central nervous system in mammals including man. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 11193200 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 27: Trends Neurosci. 2001 Jan;24(1):32-9. Regionalization of the optic tectum: combinations of gene expression that define the tectum. Nakamura H. Dept of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Seiryo-machi 4-1, Aoba-ku, 980-8575, Sendai, Japan. nakamura@idac.tohoku.ac.jp The optic tectum differentiates from the alar plate of the mesencephalon. Here, the molecular mechanisms for differentiation of the tectum are reviewed. Mis-expression of Pax2, Pax5 or En can change the fate of the presumptive diencephalon to become the tectum. En, Fgf8, Pax2 and Pax5, exist in a positive feedback loop for their expression so that mis-expression of any of these genes acts on the feedback loop resulting in induction of the optic tectum in the diencephalon. Otx2 and Gbx2 can repress the expression of each other and contribute to the formation of the posterior border of the tectum. Mis-expression of Otx2 in the metencephalon changed the fate of its alar plate to the tectum. The anterior border of the tectum might be determined as a result of repressive interaction of Pax6 with En1 and Pax2. Along the dorsoventral axis of the mesencephalon, Shh contributes to the ventralization of the tissue, that is, the area affected by Shh differentiates into the tegmentum. It is proposed that the brain vesicle that expresses Otx2, Pax2 and En1 might differentiate into the tectum. Publication Types: Review PMID: 11163885 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 28: Development. 2000 Oct;127(20):4325-34. Spatial specification of mammalian eye territories by reciprocal transcriptional repression of Pax2 and Pax6. Schwarz M, Cecconi F, Bernier G, Andrejewski N, Kammandel B, Wagner M, Gruss P. Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, Am Fassberg 11, D-37077 Gottingen, Germany. We have studied the molecular basis of the Pax2 and Pax6 function in the establishment of visual system territories. Loss-of-function mutants have revealed crucial roles for Pax2 in the generation of the optic stalk and for Pax6 in the development of the optic cup. Ectopic expression of Pax6 in the optic stalk under control of Pax2 promoter elements resulted in a shift of the optic cup/optic stalk boundary indicated by the presence of retinal pigmented cells on the optic stalk. By studying mouse embryos at early developmental stages we detected an expansion of Pax2 expression domain in the Pax6(-/-) mutant and of Pax6 expression domain in the Pax2(-/-) embryo. These results suggest that the position of the optic cup/optic stalk boundary depends on Pax2 and Pax6 expression, hinting at a possible molecular interaction. Using gel shift experiments, we confirmed the presence of Pax2- and Pax6-binding sites on the retina enhancer of the Pax6 gene and on the Pax2 upstream control region, respectively. Co-transfection experiments revealed a reciprocal inhibition of Pax2 promoter/enhancer activity by Pax6 protein and vice versa. Based on our findings, we propose a model for Pax gene regulation that establishes the proper spatial regionalization of the mammalian visual system. PMID: 11003833 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 29: J Biol Chem. 2000 Oct 20;275(42):32708-15. The paired homeodomain transcription factor Pax-2 is expressed in the endocrine pancreas and transactivates the glucagon gene promoter. Ritz-Laser B, Estreicher A, Gauthier B, Philippe J. Diabetes Unit, Centre Medical Universitaire, 1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland. Beate.Laser@medecine.unige.ch Glucagon gene expression is controlled by at least four DNA elements within the promoter; G2, G3, and G4 confer islet-specific expression, while G1 restricts glucagon transcription to alpha cells. Two islet-specific complexes are formed on G3, the insulin-responsive element of the glucagon gene; one of these corresponds to the paired homeodomain protein Pax-6, a major glucagon gene transactivator that plays a crucial role in alpha cell development. We describe here the identification of the second complex as Pax-2, another member of the paired box family. Pax-2 is known to be crucial for the development of the urogenital tract and of the central nervous system, but its presence in the endocrine pancreas has not been reported. We detected Pax-2 gene expression by RT-PCR; in islets, Pax-2 is present as two alternative splicing isoforms, Pax-2A and Pax-2B, whereas in the glucagon- and insulin-producing cell lines alphaTC1 and Min6, a distinct isoform, Pax-2D2, is found in addition to Pax-2B. Both islet-specific isoforms bind to the enhancer element G3 and to the alpha-specific promoter element G1 that also interacts with Pax-6. Pax-2A and Pax-2B dose-dependently activate transcription from the G3 and the G1 elements both in heterologous and in glucagon-producing cells. Our data indicate that Pax-2 is the third paired domain protein present in the endocrine pancreas and that one of its roles may be the regulation of glucagon gene expression. PMID: 10938089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 30: Mamm Genome. 2000 Jul;11(7):520-5. Saturation mutagenesis for dominant eye morphological defects in the mouse Mus musculus. Favor J, Neuhauser-Klaus A. Institute of Mammalian Genetics, GSF-Research Center for Environment and Health, Ingolstadter Landstr. 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. FAVOR@GSF.DE We have summarized our extensive series of mutagenesis experiments to isolate dominant mutations in the mouse that express eye morphological defects. Thirty-two experimental groups in which parental mice were exposed to chemical mutagens or irradiation and a historical control group of the laboratory are presented. The largest series of experiments included parental exposure to ethylnitrosourea or irradiation. A total of 203 dominant mutants were confirmed among 456,890 offspring screened, which represents one of the largest collections of mutations in the mouse affecting one organ following a systematic screen of offspring of mutagenized animals. The largest group of mutations (92) was recovered in offspring of parental mice exposed to ethylnitrosourea. The second largest group of mutations (62) was recovered in irradiation experiments. Fifty-six mutations recovered in ethylnitrosourea experiments have been mapped to 22 loci. The affected genes have been identified for a number of the recovered mutations including Cryga, Crygb, Cgyge, Pax6, Pax2, Mitf, Lim2, and Cx50. On the basis of our experiences, a number of considerations when undertaking such screens are discussed, including a) choice of mutagen, b) experimental design, and c) the criteria for such experiments to ensure that mutations at novel loci will be recovered. PMID: 10886015 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 31: Development. 2000 Jun;127(11):2357-65. Pax6 defines the di-mesencephalic boundary by repressing En1 and Pax2. Matsunaga E, Araki I, Nakamura H. Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Seiryo-machi 4-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan. Transcriptional factors and signaling molecules are responsible for regionalization of the central nervous system. In the early stage of neural development, Pax6 is expressed in the prosencephalon, while En1 and Pax2 are expressed in the mesencephalon. Here, we misexpressed Pax6 in the mesencephalon to elucidate the mechanism of the di-mesencephalic boundary formation. Histological analysis, expression patterns of diencephalic marker genes, and fiber trajectory of the posterior commissure indicated that Pax6 misexpression caused a caudal shift of the di-mesencephalic boundary. Pax6 repressed En1, Pax2 and other tectum (mesencephalon)-related genes such as En2, Pax5, Pax7, but induced Tcf4, a diencephalon marker gene. To know how Pax6 represses En1 and Pax2, we ectopically expressed a dominant-active or negative form of Pax6. The dominant-active form of Pax6 showed a similar but more severe phenotype than Pax6, while the dominant-negative form showed an opposite phenotype, suggesting that Pax6 acts as a transcriptional activator. Thus Pax6 may repress tectum-related genes by activating an intervening repressor. The results of misexpression experiments, together with normal expression patterns of Pax6, En1 and Pax2, suggest that repressive interaction between Pax6 and En1/Pax2 defines the di-mesencephalic boundary. PMID: 10804178 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 32: Mech Dev. 2000 Mar 1;91(1-2):105-18. Regulatory gene expression patterns reveal transverse and longitudinal subdivisions of the embryonic zebrafish forebrain. Hauptmann G, Gerster T. Biozentrum der Universitat Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 70, CH-4056, Basel, Switzerland. hauptman@ruf.uni-freiburg.de To shed light on the organization of the rostral embryonic brain of a lower vertebrate, we have directly compared the expression patterns of dlx, fgf, hh, hlx, otx, pax, POU, winged helix and wnt gene family members in the fore- and midbrain of the zebrafish. We show that the analyzed genes are expressed in distinct transverse and longitudinal domains and share expression boundaries at stereotypic positions within the fore- and midbrain. Some of these shared expression boundaries coincide with morphological landmarks like the pathways of primary axon tracts. We identified a series of eight transverse diencephalic domains suggestive of neuromeric subdivisions within the rostral brain. In addition, we identified four molecularly distinct longitudinal subdivisions and provide evidence for a strong bending of the longitudinal rostral brain axis at the cephalic flexure. Our data suggest a strong conservation of early forebrain organization between lower and higher vertebrates. PMID: 10704836 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 33: Genes Dev. 1999 Dec 1;13(23):3106-14. Vax1, a novel homeobox-containing gene, directs development of the basal forebrain and visual system. Hallonet M, Hollemann T, Pieler T, Gruss P. Department of Developmental Biochemistry, University of Gottingen, Institute for Biochemistry, 37073 Gottingen, Germany. The novel homeobox-containing gene Vax1, a member of the Emx/Not gene family, is specifically expressed in the developing basal forebrain and optic nerve. Here, we show that Vax1 is essential for normal development of these structures. Mice carrying a targeted mutation of Vax1 show dysgenesis of the optic nerve, coloboma, defects in the basal telencephalon, and lobar holoprosencephaly. With the help of molecular markers we determined that in the developing visual system, the absence of Vax1 results in a proximal expansion of the activity of Pax6 and Rx. This observation suggests that Vax1 may interfere negatively with the expression of Pax6 and Rx. In reciprocal gain-of-function experiments, injection of Xvax1 mRNA or Shh into Xenopus embryos primarily affects the brain at the level of the eye primordium. Consistent with the loss-of-function results, the injection of Xvax1 results in a down-regulation of Rx. Similarly, Shh injection expands the Vax1 and Pax2 territory at the expense of the Pax6 and Rx region. On the basis of these results, we propose a model for a molecular cascade involved in the establishment of structures of the visual system. PMID: 10601036 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 34: J AAPOS. 1998 Dec;2(6):317-23. Ocular malformations and developmental genes. Traboulsi EI. Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Center for Genetic Eye Diseases, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Eye Institute, Ohio 44195, USA. New insights into the pathogenesis of ocular malformations came with the discovery of transcription factors that determine the fate of cells in the developing eye. Several malformations have been matched to individual developmental genes that share conserved DNA sequences such as the homeobox. These disease/gene matches include the oculorenal syndrome and PAX2; aniridia and PAX6; Rieger syndrome and RIEG1/PITX2; cyclopia and Sonic hedgehog; cone-rod dystrophy, Leber's congenital amaurosis and CRX; and recessive septooptic dysplasia and HESX1. Gene mapping and mutation analysis have allowed a more accurate and meaningful classification of genetically heterogeneous diseases such as the anterior segment dysgenesis syndromes. This paper reviews current information on the genetics of ocular malformations. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 10532715 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 35: Dev Biol. 1999 Jul 1;211(1):53-63. Dorsal-ventral patterning defects in the eye of BF-1-deficient mice associated with a restricted loss of shh expression. Huh S, Hatini V, Marcus RC, Li SC, Lai E. Cell Biology Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, 10021, USA. Brain factor 1 (BF-1) is a winged-helix transcription factor with restricted expression in the anterior optic vesicle and in the telencephalic neuroepithelium of the neural tube. We have previously found that targeted disruption of the BF-1 gene results in hypoplasia of the cerebral hemispheres, which is more severe in structures derived from the ventral telencephalon. Here we show that the loss of BF-1 leads to multiple developmental anomalies of the eyes. The most ventral structure arising from the optic vesicle, the optic stalk, is missing and is replaced by an expanded retina. Ventral closure of the optic cup and choroid fissure does not occur. These dorsal-ventral patterning defects are not limited to the BF-1-expressing (anterior) cells, but also involve the cells of the posterior optic vesicle. Sonic hedgehog (shh) expression within the ventral telencephalic neuroepithelium is specifically lost in the BF-1(-/-) mutant. Taken together, these findings suggest that shh produced at this site plays a role in patterning the developing eye. This localized deficit in shh expression may also contribute to the prominence of the ventral defects in the telencephalon of the BF-1(-/-) mutant. Copyright 1999 Academic Press. PMID: 10373304 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 36: Mech Dev. 1999 Apr;82(1-2):29-39. Pax2/5 and Pax6 subdivide the early neural tube into three domains. Schwarz M, Alvarez-Bolado G, Dressler G, Urbanek P, Busslinger M, Gruss P. Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, Am Fassberg, 37077, Gottingen, Germany. The nested expression patterns of the paired-box containing transcription factors Pax2/5 and Pax6 demarcate the midbrain and forebrain primordium at the neural plate stage. We demonstrate that, in Pax2/5 deficient mice, the mesencephalon/metencephalon primordium is completely missing, resulting in a fusion of the forebrain to the hindbrain. Morphologically, in the alar plate the deletion is characterized by the substitution of the tectum (dorsal midbrain) and cerebellum (dorsal metencephalon) by the caudal diencephalon and in the basal plate by the replacement of the midbrain tegmentum by the ventral metencephalon (pons). Molecularly, the loss of the tectum is demonstrated by an expanded expression of Pax6, (the molecular determinant of posterior commissure), and a rostral shift of the territory of expression of Gbx2 and Otp (markers for the pons), towards the caudal diencephalon. Our results suggest that an intact territory of expression of Pax2/5 in the neural plate, nested between the rostral and caudal territories of expression of Pax6, is necessary for defining the midbrain vesicle. PMID: 10354469 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 37: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Mar 2;96(5):2439-44. Ectopic bone morphogenetic proteins 5 and 4 in the chicken forebrain lead to cyclopia and holoprosencephaly. Golden JA, Bracilovic A, McFadden KA, Beesley JS, Rubenstein JL, Grinspan JB. Department of Pathology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. goldenj@mail.med.upenn.edu Proper dorsal-ventral patterning in the developing central nervous system requires signals from both the dorsal and ventral portions of the neural tube. Data from multiple studies have demonstrated that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and Sonic hedgehog protein are secreted factors that regulate dorsal and ventral specification, respectively, within the caudal neural tube. In the developing rostral central nervous system Sonic hedgehog protein also participates in ventral regionalization; however, the roles of BMPs in the developing brain are less clear. We hypothesized that BMPs also play a role in dorsal specification of the vertebrate forebrain. To test our hypothesis we implanted beads soaked in recombinant BMP5 or BMP4 into the neural tube of the chicken forebrain. Experimental embryos showed a loss of the basal telencephalon that resulted in holoprosencephaly (a single cerebral hemisphere), cyclopia (a single midline eye), and loss of ventral midline structures. In situ hybridization using a panel of probes to genes expressed in the dorsal and ventral forebrain revealed the loss of ventral markers with the maintenance of dorsal markers. Furthermore, we found that the loss of the basal telencephalon was the result of excessive cell death and not a change in cell fates. These data provide evidence that BMP signaling participates in dorsal-ventral patterning of the developing brain in vivo, and disturbances in dorsal-ventral signaling result in specific malformations of the forebrain. PMID: 10051661 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 38: Dev Genet. 1998;23(4):299-316. Aphakia (ak), a mouse mutation affecting early eye development: fine mapping, consideration of candidate genes and altered Pax6 and Six3 gene expression pattern. Grimm C, Chatterjee B, Favor J, Immervoll T, Loster J, Klopp N, Sandulache R, Graw J. GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Mammalian Genetics, Neuherberg, Germany. The homozygous mouse mutant aphakia (ak) has been characterized by bilaterally aphakic eyes without a pupil [Varnum DS, Stevens, LC (1968): J Hered 59:147-150]. The mutation was mapped to chromosome 19 [Varnum DS, Stevens, LC (1975): Mouse News Lett 53:35]. Our linkage studies yielded a precise localization of the ak gene 0.6 +/- 0.3 cM proximal to the microsatellite marker D19Mit10 and 0.7 +/- 0.4 cM distal to D19Mit4 and D19Mit91. No recombination was found with the marker D19Mit9 among 418 backcross offspring tested. The developmental control gene Pax2 mapped 11.0 +/- 3.5 cM proximal to ak and is excluded as a candidate gene. Sequence analysis of Fgf8 and Chuk1, which are localized close to the marker D19Mit10, detected no mutations in the ak/ak mutants. Histological analysis of homozygous mutants suggested the arrest of lens development at the lens stalk stage, a transient morphological structure during the formation of the lens vesicle. In the lens remnants, Pax6 and Six3 are expressed, whereas in the persisting lens stalk only Pax6 was detected. The expression pattern of Pax2 appeared normal; Cryaa expression could not be detected. As a consequence of the arrested lens development, other ocular tissues that require for their development information from the intact lens, such as iris, ciliary muscle, retina, and vitreous body, are absent or formed abnormally. PMID: 9883582 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 39: Mech Dev. 1998 Oct;77(2):185-96. Zebrafish contains two pax6 genes involved in eye development. Nornes S, Clarkson M, Mikkola I, Pedersen M, Bardsley A, Martinez JP, Krauss S, Johansen T. Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromso, 903 7, Tromso, Norway. The Pax6 genes of both vertebrates and invertebrates are expressed in the developing eye and in the central nervous system. These genes encode transcription factors with two DNA-binding domains, an N-terminal paired domain and a homeodomain separated by a flexible linker region. Ectopic eye structures are obtained upon targeted expression of Drosophila, squid, ascidian or mouse Pax6 genes in various imaginal disc primordia of Drosophila. We have previously cloned a Pax6 cDNA from zebrafish. Here we report the cloning of a novel Pax6 homolog from zebrafish denoted Pax6.2. The coding sequences of the two genes show 82% identity whereas the deduced amino acid sequences are 95% identical with complete conservation of the paired- and homeodomains. The embryonic expression patterns of Pax6.1 and Pax6.2 reveal both overlapping and discrete expression domains suggesting a division of labor between these two very similar gene products during development of brain and eye structures. Both Pax6.1 and Pax6.2 can act as transcriptional activators with Pax6.2 being more efficient than Pax6.1. Both Pax6.1 and Pax6.2 are able to induce ectopic eyes in Drosophila, while Pax2 is not, suggesting that eye induction is not a general feature of Pax family genes but a distinct characteristic of Pax6 and its direct homologs. Attempts to detect Pax6. 2 homologs in chick, mice or humans proved unsuccessful suggesting that this gene either was lost during evolution of higher vertebrates or, more likely, arose as part of a larger scale duplication of chromosome segments occurring in the zebrafish lineage. Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All Rights Reserved PMID: 9831649 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 40: Development. 1998 Aug;125(15):2983-93. Sonic hedgehog is not required for the induction of medial floor plate cells in the zebrafish. Schauerte HE, van Eeden FJ, Fricke C, Odenthal J, Strahle U, Haffter P. Max-Planck-Institut fur Entwicklungsbiologie, Spemannstrasse 35/III, Germany. Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is a secreted protein that is involved in the organization and patterning of several tissues in vertebrates. We show that the zebrafish sonic-you (syu) gene, a member of a group of five genes required for somite patterning, is encoding Shh. Embryos mutant for a deletion of syu display defects in patterning of the somites, the lateral floor plate cells, the pectoral fins, the axons of motorneurons and the retinal ganglion cells. In contrast to mouse embryos lacking Shh activity, syu mutant embryos do form medial floor plate cells and motorneurons. Since ectopic overexpression of shh in zebrafish embryos does not induce ectopic medial floor plate cells, we conclude that shh is neither required nor sufficient to induce this cell type in the zebrafish. PMID: 9655820 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 41: Development. 1997 Nov;124(22):4493-503. PAX2 is expressed in multiple spinal cord interneurons, including a population of EN1+ interneurons that require PAX6 for their development. Burrill JD, Moran L, Goulding MD, Saueressig H. Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. Members of the PAX family of transcription factors are candidates for controlling cell identity in the spinal cord. We have morphologically analyzed cells that express one of these transcription factors, PAX2, demonstrating multiple interneuron cell types express PAX2. Two ventral populations of PAX2-expressing interneurons in the spinal cord are marked by coexpression of the transcription factors, EN1 and EVX1. Interestingly, the expression domains of PAX2, EN1 and EVX1 in postmitotic neurons correlate closely with those of Pax6 and Pax7 in the ventricular zone, implicating these patterning genes in the regulation of PAX2, EN1 and EVX1. We show that one of these patterning genes, Pax6, is required for the correct specification of ventral PAX2+ interneurons that coexpress EN1. These results demonstrate that the early activity of patterning genes in the ventricular zone determines interneuron identity in the spinal cord. PMID: 9409667 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 42: Bioessays. 1997 Sep;19(9):755-65. Pax genes and organogenesis. Dahl E, Koseki H, Balling R. GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute for Mammalian Genetics, Neuherberg, Germany. Pax genes are a family of developmental control genes that encode nuclear transcription factors. They are characterized by the presence of the paired domain, a conserved amino acid motif with DNA-binding activity. Originally, paired-box-containing genes were detected in Drosophila melanogaster, where they exert multiple functions during embryogenesis. In vertebrates, Pax genes are also involved in embryogenesis. Mutations in four out of nine characterized Pax genes have been associated with either congenital human diseases such as Waardenburg syndrome (PAX3), Aniridia (PAX6), Peter's anomaly (PAX6), renal coloboma syndrome (PAX2) or spontaneous mouse mutants (undulated (Pax1), Splotch (Pax3), Small eye (Pax6), Pax2(1)Neu), which all show defects in development. Recently, analysis of spontaneous and transgenic mouse mutants has revealed that vertebrate pax genes are key regulators during organogenesis of kidney, eye, ear, nose, limb muscles, vertebral column and brain. Like their Drosophila counterparts, vertebrate Pax genes are involved in pattern formation during embryogenesis, possibly by determining the time and place of organ initiation or morphogenesis. For most tissues, however, the nature of the primary developmental action of Pax transcription factors remains to be elucidated. One predominant theme is signal transduction during tissue interactions, which may lead to a position-specific regulation of cell proliferation. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 9297966 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 43: Br J Ophthalmol. 1996 Jul;80(7):669-73. Genetics of aniridia and anterior segment dysgenesis. Churchill A, Booth A. Molecular Medicine Unit, University of Leeds, St James's University Hospital. Publication Types: Review PMID: 8795384 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 44: Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1996 Jun;6(3):334-42. Transcription factors in disease. Engelkamp D, van Heyningen V. MRC Human Genetics Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK. dieter@hgu.mrc.ac.uk Mutations affecting several predominantly tissue-specific transcriptional regulators have recently been associated with disease phenotypes. Although the mutational spectrum is variable, many of the reported cases involve clear loss-of-function mutations-such as Waardenburg syndrome type 1, aniridia and Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome-suggesting that the genetic mechanism involved in disease is haplo-insufficiency. The high degree of dosage sensitivity often appears to affect only a subset of the tissues that express the gene. Position effects with cytogenetic rearrangements well outside the coding region have been implicated for four of the genes discussed: POU3F4, SOX9, PAX6, and GL13. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 8791518 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 45: Dev Genet. 1996;18(3):181-97. Genetic aspects of embryonic eye development in vertebrates. Graw J. Institut fur Saugetiergenetik, GSF-Forschungszentrum fur Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg, Oberschleissheim, Germany. The vertebrate eye comprises tissues from different embryonic origins, e.g., iris and ciliary body are derived from the wall of the diencephalon via optic vesicle and optic cup. Lens and cornea, on the other hand, come from the overlying surface ectoderm. The timely action of transcription factors and inductive signals ensure the correct development of the different eye components. Establishing the genetic basis of eye defects has been an important tool for the detailed analysis of this complex process. One of the main control genes for eye development was discovered by the analysis of the allelic series of the Small eye mouse mutants and characterized as Pax6. It is involved in the interaction between the optic cup and the overlaying ectoderm. The central role for Pax6 in eye development is conserved throughout the animal kingdom as the murine Pax6 gene induces ectopic eyes in transgenic Drosophila despite the obvious diverse organization of the eye in the fruit fly compared to vertebrates. In human, mutations in the PAX6 gene are responsible for aniridia and Peter's anomaly. In addition to Pax6, other mutations affecting the interaction of the optic cup and the lens placode have been documented in the mouse. For the differentiation of the retina from the optic cup several genes are responsible: Mi leads to microphthalmia, if mutated, and encodes for a transcription factor, which is expressed in the melanocytes of the pigmented layer of the retina. In addition, further genes are implicated in the correct development of the retina, e.g., Chx10, Dlx1, GH6, Msx1 and -2, Otx1 and -2, or Wnt7b. Mutations within the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) are responsible for retinal tumors. Knock-out mutants of RB1 exhibit a block of lens differentiation prior to the retinal defect. Besides the influence of Rb1, the lens differentiates under the influence of growth factors (e.g., FGF, IGF, PDGF, TGF), and specific genes become activated encoding cytoskeletal proteins (e.g., filensin, phakinin, vimentin), structural proteins (e.g., crystallins) or membrane proteins (e.g., Mip). The optic nerve originates from the neural retina; ganglion cells grow to the optic stalk, forming the optic nerve. Its retrograde walk to the brain through the rudiment of the optic stalk depends on the correct Pax2 expression. Publication Types: Review PMID: 8631154 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 46: Development. 1995 Oct;121(10):3267-78. Midline signalling is required for Pax gene regulation and patterning of the eyes. Macdonald R, Barth KA, Xu Q, Holder N, Mikkola I, Wilson SW. Developmental Biology Research Centre, Randall Institute, Kings College London, UK. Pax6 and Pax2 are members of the Pax family of transcription factors that are both expressed in the developing visual system of zebrafish embryos. Pax6 protein is present in all cells that form the neural retina and pigment epithelium, whereas Pax2 is located primarily in cells that will give rise to the optic stalk. In this study, we have addressed the role of midline signalling in the regulation of Pax2 and Pax6 distributions and in the subsequent morphogenesis of the eyes. Midline signalling is severely perturbed in cyclops mutant embryos resulting in an absence of ventral midline CNS tissue and fusion of the eyes. Mutant embryos ectopically express Pax6 in a bridge of tissue around the anterior pole of the neural keel in the position normally occupied by cells that form the optic stalks. In contrast, Pax2 protein is almost completely absent from this region in mutant embryos. Concommitant with the changes in Pax protein distribution, cells in the position of the optic stalks differentiate as retina. These results suggest that a signal emanating from the midline, which is absent in cyclops mutant embryos, may be required to promote Pax2 and inhibit Pax6 expression in cells destined to form the optic stalks. Sonic hedgehog (Shh also known as Vhh-1 and Hhg-1) is a midline signalling molecule that is absent from the neuroepithelium of cyclops mutant embryos at early developmental stages. To test the possibility that Shh might be able to regulate the spatial expression of Pax6 and Pax2 in the optic primordia, it was overexpressed in the developing CNS. The number of cells containing Pax2 was increased following shh overexpression and embryos developed hypertrophied optic stalk-like structures. Complimentary to the changes in Pax2 distribution, there were fewer Pax6-containing cells and pigment epithelium and neural retina were reduced. Our results suggest that Shh or a closely related signalling molecule emanating from midline tissue in the ventral forebrain either directly or indirectly induces the expression of Pax2 and inhibits the expression of Pax6 and thus may regulate the partitioning of the optic primordia into optic stalks and retinal tissue. PMID: 7588061 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 47: Gene. 1995 Sep 11;162(2):267-70. Identification of DNA recognition sequences for the Pax3 paired domain. Chalepakis G, Gruss P. Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Gottingen, Germany. The Pax gene family, encoding transcription factors, has been classified into four subfamilies according to their genomic organization, the sequences of the paired domains (PD) and the expression pattern. Pax1 and Pax9 constitute one subfamily, Pax2, Pax5 and Pax8 another, Pax3 and Pax7 another one and Pax4 and Pax6 the fourth subfamily. The PD exhibits DNA-binding activity, and is the most conserved functional motif in all Pax proteins. A high-resolution analysis of a PD structure has been performed [Xu et al., Cell 80 (1995) 639-650] and the DNA-binding characteristics of members of two Pax subfamilies (Pax2, Pax5 and Pax6) have been determined. Here, we have utilized a PCR-based selection approach to identify the DNA-binding sequences of the Pax3/PD, a member of a subfamily which has not yet been characterized. Comparison of the Pax3/PD-binding sequences with those of other PD proteins revealed both similarities and differences in the DNA-recognition sequence. This suggests that different Pax proteins can regulate the expression of the same target gene, but they can also regulate the expression of completely unrelated genes by binding to their DNA regulatory regions. PMID: 7557441 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 48: Neuron. 1994 Nov;13(5):1039-53. Regulatory gene expression boundaries demarcate sites of neuronal differentiation in the embryonic zebrafish forebrain. Macdonald R, Xu Q, Barth KA, Mikkola I, Holder N, Fjose A, Krauss S, Wilson SW. Developmental Biology Research Centre, Randall Institute, Kings College London, England. During development of the zebrafish forebrain, a simple scaffold of axon pathways is pioneered by a small number of neurons. We show that boundaries of expression domains of members of the eph, forkhead, pax, and wnt gene families correlate with the positions at which these neurons differentiate and extend axons. Analysis of genetically or experimentally altered forebrains indicates that if a boundary is maintained, there is appropriate neural differentiation with respect to the boundary. Conversely, in the absence of a boundary, there is concomitant disruption of neural patterning. We also show that a strip of cells within the dorsal diencephalon shares features with ventral midline cells. This strip of cells fails to develop in mutant fish in which specification of the ventral CNS is disrupted, suggesting that its development may be regulated by the same inductive pathways that pattern the ventral midline. PMID: 7946344 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 49: Genes Dev. 1994 Sep 1;8(17):2022-34. Two independent and interactive DNA-binding subdomains of the Pax6 paired domain are regulated by alternative splicing. Epstein JA, Glaser T, Cai J, Jepeal L, Walton DS, Maas RL. Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Vertebrate Pax proteins share a conserved 128-amino-acid DNA-binding motif, the paired domain. The PAX6 gene, which is mutated in the murine Small eye and human aniridia developmental defects, also encodes a second protein with a 14-amino-acid insertion in the paired domain. This protein, which arises by alternative mRNA splicing, exhibits unique DNA-binding properties. Unlike other paired domains, which bind DNA predominantly by their amino termini, the extended Pax6 paired domain interacts with DNA exclusively through its carboxyl terminus. This property can be stimulated by deletion of 30 amino-terminal residues from the Pax6 or Pax2 paired domains. Thus, the insertion acts as a molecular toggle to unmask the DNA-binding potential of the carboxyl terminus. The functional nonequivalence of the two Pax6 proteins is underscored by a T-->C mutation at position -3 of the alternative splice acceptor site that changes the ratio of the two isoforms and causes a distinct human ocular syndrome. Publication Types: Case Reports PMID: 7958875 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 50: J Cell Biol. 1994 Apr;125(2):417-25. Differential induction of Pax genes by NGF and BDNF in cerebellar primary cultures. Kioussi C, Gruss P. Abteilung fur Molekular Zellbiologie, Max-Planck Institut fur Biophysikalische Chemie, Gottingen, Germany. The Pax genes encode sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors that are expressed in embryonic development of the nervous system. Primary neuronal cell cultures derived from the cerebellar cortex of embryonic day 14, newborn and 7-d old mice, were used to investigate the cell-type specific expression patterns of three members of the murine paired box containing gene family (Pax gene family), in vitro. Cell types which express Pax-2, Pax-3, and Pax-6 RNA in primary cultures correspond to those found in regions of the cerebellum which show RNA signals in sections of the developing mouse brain. To find mechanisms regulating Pax gene expression during cerebellar development, the differential regulation of Pax-2, Pax-3, and Pax-6 by NGF and BDNF, two structurally related neurotrophins, was studied in such primary cultures. Pax-2 and Pax-6 RNA increased slightly by 1 h and remained elevated throughout a 24-h treatment with BDNF and NGF. Pax-3 RNA was not detected in newborn cultures, but underwent a rapid (1 h) and transient (2 h) induction upon treatment with either BDNF or NGF. No response was seen with EGF or FGF. Cycloheximide treatment amplified Pax-3 induction and prolonged the signal. Thus, Pax-3 induction resembles that of the immediate-early gene c-fos, which transduces growth factor signals during the development of particular neuronal/glial cell types. The changes in Pax expression were inductive rather than trophic. PMID: 8163557 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 51: J Biol Chem. 1994 Mar 18;269(11):8355-61. Identification of a Pax paired domain recognition sequence and evidence for DNA-dependent conformational changes. Epstein J, Cai J, Glaser T, Jepeal L, Maas R. Division of Cardiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. Pax genes encode a family of developmentally regulated transcription factors that have been implicated in a number of human and murine congenital disorders, as well as in tumorigenesis (Gruss, P., and Walther, C. (1992) Cell 69, 719-722; Hill, R., and van Heyningen, V. (1992) Trends Genet. 8, 119-120; Chalepakis, G., Tremblay, P., and Gruss, P. (1992) J. Cell Sci. Suppl. 16, 61-67; Maulbecker, C. C., and Gruss, P. (1993) EMBO J. 12, 2361-2367; Walther, C., Guenet, J. L., Simon, D., Deutsch, U., Jostes, B., Goulding, M. D., Plachov, D., Balling, R., and Gruss, P. (1991) Genomics 11, 424-434; Barr, R. G., Galili, N., Holick, J., Biegel, J. A., Rovera, G., and Emanuel, B. S. (1993) Nature Genet. 3, 113-117). These genes are defined by the presence of an evolutionarily conserved DNA binding domain, termed the paired domain. The structure and the DNA binding characteristics of the paired domain remain largely unknown. We have utilized repetitive rounds of a polymerase chain reaction-based selection method to identify the optimal DNA binding sequences for the Pax-2 and Pax-6 paired domains. The results suggest that the paired domain family of peptides bind similar DNA sequences. Identification of this binding site has revealed an important structural clue regarding the mechanism of paired domain binding to DNA. CD and NMR structural analyses of the purified Pax-6 paired domain reveal it to be largely structureless in solution. Upon binding the recognition sequence, the complex becomes markedly less soluble and displays CD spectroscopic evidence of significant alpha-helical structure. PMID: 8132558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 52: J Neurosci. 1994 Mar;14(3 Pt 2):1395-412. Roles of Pax-genes in developing and adult brain as suggested by expression patterns. Stoykova A, Gruss P. Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Gottingen, Germany. We have examined the transcript distribution of six members of the murine paired box-containing gene family (Pax-gene family) in midgestation embryo and adult brain using in situ hybridization analysis. The expression domains of several Pax-genes in the embryo brain were found to correspond with anatomical boundaries that coincide with neuromere landmarks and therefore respect former neuromere territories in the forebrain. The results are consistent with the concept of brain segmentation and suggest a role for Pax-genes in the brain regionalization. In the adult brain the expression of Pax-genes was observed in discreet areas, with a caudal to rostral restriction in the number of the expressed genes. In general the distribution of transcripts along the anterior-posterior axis was similar to that found in midgestation embryo brain, suggesting a role for Pax-genes in the commitment of the precursor cells to different neuronal cell fates and in the maintenance of specific brain cell subtypes. In the cerebellar cortex, the granular cell layer was found to express high levels of the Pax-6 gene, while putative Bergmann glia and cells surrounding the Purkinje cells contained Pax-3 transcripts. The main adult brain structures that expressed distinct Pax-mRNAs were the periglomerular and granular cell layer of olfactory bulb, nuclei of the septum, amygdala, and isthmus, which suggests a role for the Pax-gene family in the specification of the subcortical domains of the evolutionary old limbic system. PMID: 8126546 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ---------------------------------------------------------------