1: Hum Cell. 2004 Jun;17(2):85-92. Transcription factor expression in cell lines derived from natural killer-cell and natural killer-like T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. Matsuo Y, Drexler HG, Harashima A, Okochi A, Shimizu N, Orita K. Fujisaki Cell Center, Hayashibara Biochemical Labs, Okayama 702-8006, Japan. yomatsuo@hayashibara.co.jp Although a number of transcription factors (TFs) have been identified that play a pivotal role in the development of hematopoietic lineages, only little is known about factors that may influence development and lineage commitment of natural killer (NK) or NK-like T (NKT)-cells. Obviously to fully appreciate the NK- and NKT-cell differentiation process, it is important to identify and characterize the TFs effecting the NK- and NKT-cell lineage. Furthermore, these TFs may play a role in NK- or NKT-cell leukemias, in which the normal differentiation program is presumably disturbed. The present study analyzed the expression of the following 13 TFs: AML1, CEBPA, E2A, ETS1, GATA1, GATA2, GATA3, IKAROS, IRF1, PAX5, PU1, TBET and TCF1 in 7 malignant NK-cell lines together with 5 malignant NKT-cell lines, 5 T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell lines including 3 gamma/delta T-cell receptor (TCR) type and 2 alpha/beta TCR type, and 3 B-cell precursor (BCP) leukemia cell lines. AML1, E2A, ETS1, IKAROS and IRF1 were found to be positive for all cell lines tested whereas GATA1 turned out to be universally negative. CEBPA, PAX5 and PU1 were negative for all cell lines tested except in the three positive BCP-cell lines. GATA2 was positive for 3/5 T-cell lines but negative for the other cell lines. GATA3 was positive for 7/7 NK-, 4/5 NKT-, 5/5 T- and 2/3 BCP-cell lines. TBET was positive for all NK- and NKT-cell lines and negative for all T- and BCP-cell lines except one BCP-cell line. In contrast to the expression of TBET, TCF1 was negative for all NK- and NKT-cell lines, being positive for 4/5 T- and 1/3 BCP-cell lines. Expression analysis of TFs revealed that NK- and NKT-cell lines showed identical profiles, clearly distinct from those of the other T-ALL or BCP-ALL leukemia-derived cell lines.. PMID: 15369140 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 2: J Immunol. 2004 Sep 15;173(6):3935-44. Analysis of Notch1 function by in vitro T cell differentiation of Pax5 mutant lymphoid progenitors. Hoflinger S, Kesavan K, Fuxa M, Hutter C, Heavey B, Radtke F, Busslinger M. Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna Biocenter, Vienna, Austria. Signaling through the Notch1 receptor is essential for T cell development in the thymus. Stromal OP9 cells ectopically expressing the Notch ligand Delta-like1 mimic the thymic environment by inducing hemopoietic stem cells to undergo in vitro T cell development. Notch1 is also expressed on Pax5-/- pro-B cells, which are clonable lymphoid progenitors with a latent myeloid potential. In this study, we demonstrate that Pax5-/- progenitors efficiently differentiate in vitro into CD4+CD8+ alphabeta and gammadelta T cells upon coculture with OP9-Delta-like1 cells. In vitro T cell development of Pax5-/- progenitors strictly depends on Notch1 function and progresses through normal developmental stages by expressing T cell markers and rearranging TCRbeta, gamma, and delta loci in the correct temporal sequence. Notch-stimulated Pax5-/- progenitors efficiently down-regulate the expression of B cell-specific genes, consistent with a role of Notch1 in preventing B lymphopoiesis in the thymus. At the same time, Notch signaling rapidly induces cell surface expression of the c-Kit receptor and transcription of the target genes Deltex1 and pre-Talpha concomitant with the activation of TCR Vbeta germline transcription and the regulatory genes GATA3 and Tcf1. These data suggest that Notch1 acts upstream of GATA3 and Tcf1 in early T cell development and regulates Vbeta-DJbeta rearrangements by controlling the chromatin accessibility of Vbeta genes at the TCRbeta locus. Copyright 2004 The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. PMID: 15356142 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] --------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Annu Rev Immunol. 1999;17:149-87. Transcriptional regulation of T lymphocyte development and function. Kuo CT, Leiden JM. Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA. The development and function of T lymphocytes are regulated tightly by signal transduction pathways that include specific cell-surface receptors, intracellular signaling molecules, and nuclear transcription factors. Since 1988, several families of functionally important T cell transcription factors have been identified. These include the Ikaros, LKLF, and GATA3 zinc-finger proteins; the Ets, CREB/ATF, and NF-kappa B/Rel/NFAT transcription factors; the Stat proteins; and HMG box transcription factors such as LEF1, TCF1, and Sox4. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of the transcriptional regulation of T cell development and function with particular emphasis on the results of recent gene targeting and transgenic experiments. In addition to increasing our understanding of the molecular pathways that regulate T cell development and function, these results have suggested novel targets for genetic and pharmacological manipulation of T cell immunity. Publication Types: Review PMID: 10358756 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ---------------------------------------------------------------