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1. Accesses 8695
Research article
What do evidence-based secondary journals tell us about the publication of clinically important articles in primary healthcare journals? Kathleen Ann McKibbon, Nancy L Wilczynski, Robert Brian Haynes BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :33 (6 September 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
2. Accesses 6873
Research article
Stress, burnout and doctors' attitudes to work are determined by personality and learning style: A twelve year longitudinal study of UK medical graduates IC McManus, A Keeling, E Paice BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :29 (18 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
3. Accesses 5694
"A calorie is a calorie" violates the second law of thermodynamics Richard D Feinman, Eugene J Fine Nutrition Journal 2004, 3 :9 (28 July 2004) [Abstract ] [Full Text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
4. Accesses 5168
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What does my patient's coronary artery calcium score mean? Combining information from the coronary artery calcium score with information from conventional risk factors to estimate coronary heart disease risk Mark J Pletcher, Jeffrey A Tice, Michael Pignone, Charles McCulloch, Tracy Q Callister, Warren S Browner BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :31 (24 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
5. Accesses 4678
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Adaptive evolution of centromere proteins in plants and animals Paul B Talbert, Terri D Bryson, Steven Henikoff Journal of Biology 2004, 3 :18 (31 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ] [Faculty of 1000 ] [Cited on BioMed Central ]
6. Accesses 4035
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Emergence of new Salmonella Enteritidis phage types in Europe? Surveillance of infections in returning travellers Karin Nygård, Birgitta de Jong, Philippe J Guerin, Yvonne Andersson, Agneta Olsson, Johan Giesecke BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :32 (2 September 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
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Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) inhibits lytic replication of gamma oncogenic herpesviruses in vitro Maria M Medveczky, Tracy A Sherwood, Thomas W Klein, Herman Friedman, Peter G Medveczky BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :34 (15 September 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
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Optimizing the HIV/AIDS informed consent process in India J Sastry, H Pisal, S Sutar, N Kapadia-Kundu, A Joshi, N Suryavanshi, KE Bharucha, A Shrotri, MA Phadke, RC Bollinger, AV Shankar BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :28 (2 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ] [1 comment ]
9. Accesses 3440
Bioconductor: open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics Robert C Gentleman, Vincent J Carey, Douglas M Bates, Ben Bolstad, Marcel Dettling, Sandrine Dudoit, Byron Ellis, Laurent Gautier, Yongchao Ge, Jeff Gentry, Kurt Hornik, Torsten Hothorn, Wolfgang Huber, Stefano Iacus, Rafael Irizarry, Friedrich Leisch, Cheng Li, Martin Maechler, Anthony J Rossini, Gunther Sawitzki, Colin Smith, Gordon Smyth, Luke Tierney, Jean YH Yang, Jianhua Zhang Genome Biology 2004, 5 :R80 (15 September 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ]
10. Accesses 3294
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Assessing the determinants of stillbirths and early neonatal deaths using routinely collected data in an inner city area Nigel C Smeeton, Roberto J Rona, Pamela Dobson, Ruth Cochrane, Charles Wolfe BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :27 (6 July 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
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Loss of KCNJ10 protein expression abolishes endocochlear potential and causes deafness in Pendred syndrome mouse model Philine Wangemann, Erin M Itza, Beatrice Albrecht, Tao Wu, Sairam V Jabba, Rajanikanth J Maganti, Jun Ho Lee, Lorraine A Everett, Susan M Wall, Ines E Royaux, Eric D Green, Daniel C Marcus BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :30 (20 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
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Breastfeeding patterns and exposure to suboptimal breastfeeding among children in developing countries: review and analysis of nationally representative surveys Jeremy A Lauer, Ana Pilar Betrán, Cesar G Victora, Mercedes de Onís, Aluísio JD Barros BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :26 (1 July 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
13. Accesses 2790
Variation in alternative splicing across human tissues Gene Yeo, Dirk Holste, Gabriel Kreiman, Christopher B Burge Genome Biology 2004, 5 :R74 (13 September 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ]
14. Accesses 2765
Microarray analysis of microRNA expression in the developing mammalian brain Eric A Miska, Ezequiel Alvarez-Saavedra, Matthew Townsend, Akira Yoshii, Nenad Š estan, Pasko Rakic, Martha Constantine-Paton, H Robert Horvitz Genome Biology 2004, 5 :R68 (31 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
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Clinic-based screening for domestic violence: use of a child safety questionnaire Richard A Wahl, Doris J Sisk, Thomas M Ball BMC Medicine 2004, 2 :25 (30 June 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
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A first-draft human protein-interaction map Ben Lehner, Andrew G Fraser Genome Biology 2004, 5 :R63 (13 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
17. Accesses 2293
Discovery of estrogen receptor α target genes and response elements in breast tumor cells Chin-Yo Lin, Anders Ström, Vinsensius Berlian Vega, Say Li Kong, Ai Li Yeo, Jane S Thomsen, Wan Ching Chan, Balraj Doray, Dhinoth K Bangarusamy, Adaikalavan Ramasamy, Liza A Vergara, Suisheng Tang, Allen Chong, Vladimir B Bajic, Lance D Miller, Jan-Åke Gustafsson, Edison T Liu Genome Biology 2004, 5 :R66 (12 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
18. Accesses 2273
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Short-term cytotoxic effects and long-term instability of RNAi delivered using lentiviral vectors Richard J Fish, Egbert KO Kruithof BMC Molecular Biology 2004, 5 :9 (3 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
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Technical advance
A new growth chart for preterm babies: Babson and Benda's chart updated with recent data and a new format Tanis R Fenton BMC Pediatrics 2003, 3 :13 (16 December 2003) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ]
20. Accesses 2201
Research article
The phosphatidylserine receptor has essential functions during embryogenesis but not in apoptotic cell removal Jens Böse, Achim D Gruber, Laura Helming, Stefanie Schiebe, Ivonne Wegener, Martin Hafner, Marianne Beales, Frank Köntgen, Andreas Lengeling Journal of Biology 2004, 3 :15 (23 August 2004) [Abstract ] [Full text ] [PDF ] [PubMed ] [Related articles ] [Faculty of 1000 ] [Cited on BioMed Central ]