PEOPLE - Acknowledgements
One of the greatest treasures within the academic world is the fabulous group of friends and colleagues that one interacts with. None of the work described in these pages would have been possible without the enthusiastic, stimulating and laborious help of the colleagues here mentioned in alphabetical order:
Angela Yu (Princeton University)
Alex Golby (BWH)
Alex Kraskov (Caltech)
Alex Papanastassiou (Yale)
Alvin Lyckman (Tufts School of Medicine)
Andrew Su (Genomics Institute of the Novartis Foundation)
Cathey Leamey (University of Sydney)
Charlene Ellsworth (MIT)
Charles Cadieu (UC Berkeley)
Charles Wilson (UCLA)
Chris Burge (MIT)
Chou Hung (National Yang Ming University, Taiwan)
Daniela Tropea (MIT)
Davide Zoccolan (MIT)
Christof Koch (Caltech)
David Anderson (Caltech)
David Freedman (University of Chicago)
Dirk Holste (Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna)
Earl Miller (MIT)
Ethan Meyers (MIT)
Eve Isham (Pomona College)
Fabrizio Gabbiani (Baylor College)
Francis Crick (Salk Institute)
Gene Yeo (UCSD)
Geraint Rees (University College London)
Hesheng Liu (MGH)
Itzhak Fried (UCLA)
James DiCarlo (MIT)
Jesse Gray (Harvard)
John Allman (Caltech)
John Hogenesch (University of Pennsylvania)
Jorge Jovicih (University of Trento, Italy)
Joseph Madsen (Children's Hospital, Harvard)
Leila Reddy (CNRS, France)
Laurent Itti (University of Southern California)
Len Maler (University of Ottawa)
Mariela Zirlinger (Harvard University)
Martin Hemberg (Harvard)
Malena Espanol (Tufts University)
Mriganka Sur (MIT)
Mike Cook (Genomics Institute of the Novartis Foundation)
Michael Greenberg (Harvard)
Minjoon Kouh (MIT)
Nikos Logothetis (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Nambi Nallasamy (Harvard University)
Nicholas Knouf (MIT)
Peter Steinmetz (University of Minnesota)
Rajamanickam Murugan (India Institute of Technology)
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga (University of Leicester)
Rick Staba (UCLA)
Ruediger Krahe (Mc Gill University, Canada)
Sam Horng (MIT)
Sayan Mukherjee (Duke University)
Stanley Anderson (BWH)
T.K. Kim (Harvard)
Thomas Serre (MIT)
Tomaso Poggio (MIT)
Tony Fields (UCLA)
Ulf Knoblich (MIT)
Uwe Ohler (Duke University)
Walter Metzner (UCLA)
Yigal Agam (MGH)