TopObject Recognition in a Flash - This Week in Science
Humans and other primates have the astonishing ability to recognize and categorize objects within 200 milliseconds. By using a classifier-based decoding approach, Hung et al. (p. 863) characterized the neuronal representation for object recognition in monkey inferotemporal cortex (area IT) and quantitatively examined the underlying neural code. Surprisingly, the activity of small numbers of neurons over very short periods of time was sufficient to support rapid and accurate recognition of object category and identity, which was at the same time invariant to large changes in object position and scale.MIT McGovern Brain Scan May 2006
Explican cómo se distingue un objeto - La Nacion Nov 4 2005
Reading Brain's Object Codes: Most sophisticated computer on earth reveals its code for recognizing objects to researchers at the McGovern Institute at MIT in a new study appearing in Science Business Wire Nov 3,2005
'The Matrix' is a step closer to reality Physorg 11/04/2005
Breaking code on sight News Wise 11/21/2005
The Matrix is a step closer to reality. Dominican Today 11/04/2005
Aussitôt vu, aussitôt reconnu Sciences et Avenir 11/05/2005
Neuroscientists break code on sight Press Room 11/05/2005
Neuroscientists break code on sight MIT News Office 11/05/2005
Neuroscientists at MIT developing DNI - Discussion 11/12/2005
Scientists enter the brain's matrix 12/08/2005