What is changing when: Decoding visual information in movies from human intracranial recordings

Isik I, Singer J, Madsen JR, Kanwisher N, Kreiman G

Neuroimage, 2018

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what changes whenWork to cite in connection with these data:

Isik I, Singer J, Madsen JR, Kanwisher N, Kreiman G. What is changing when: Decoding visual information in movies from human intracranial recordings. Neuroimage, 2018.


Supplementary Material

README -- Description of all file contents

Electrode locations [52 Kb]

Code [8 Kb]-- Sample code to create Figures 2, Figure 6 and Figure S1

MATLAB code to detect cuts in commercial movies

Movie clips [167 Mb]

Neurophysiology data, Experiment I [6.6 Gb]

Eye tracking data (Figure S1) [4.7 Mb]

Neurophysiology data, Experiment II. Subject 12 | Subject 13 | Subject 14 | Subject 15
