Brain treebank: Large-scale intracranial recordings from naturalistic language stimuli

Wang C, Yaari A, Singh A, Subramaniam V, Rosenfarb D, Misra P, Madsen JR, Stone S, Kreiman G, Katz B, Cases I, Barbu A


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Work to cite in connection with these data: Wang C, Yaari A, Singh A, Subramaniam V, Rosenfarb D, Misra P, Madsen JR, Stone S, Kreiman G, Katz B, Cases I, Barbu A. (2024). Brain treebank: Large-scale intracranial recordings from naturalistic language stimuli. NeurIPS. PDF

The data used in this study were recorded in the following paper:

language, neurophysiological recordings, moviesDownload data and code

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