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Work to cite in connection with these data: Singer J. and Kreiman G (2014). Short Temporal Asynchrony Disrupts Visual Object Recognition. Journal of Vision. 12:14.PDF
Note: The script "4afc.txt" in the JAGS code was adapted from "On a signal detection approach to m-alternative forced choice with bias, with maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches to estimation" by Lawrence T. DeCarlo, Journal of Mathemtaical Psychology, 2012. JAGS itself is available from
To run on a Mac (or, probably, Linux) computer: Place jags_files in ~/Desktop/ and execute jags_script, jags_script_2, and jags_script_3. To run on a Windows computer, you will likely need to come up with an alternative way to automate execution of all the JAGS scripts in jags_scripts.
Images are in three directories, corresponding to the three experiments. Note that Variant 2 is a superset of the images used in the other two experiments. All images were obtained by Neal Dach from public domain sources.