Kreiman G, Krahe R, Metzner W, Koch C, Gabbiani F (2000). Robustness and Variability of Neuronal Coding by Amplitude Sensitive Afferents in the Weakly Electric Fish Eigenmannia. Journal of Neurophysiology, 84:189-204.

Several studies in neurophysiology require the comparison between neuronal responses. Victor and Purpura developed a measure of distance between spike trains based on work in molecular biology to compute distances between DNA sequences:

Victor, J. D. & Purpura, K. P. Metric-space Analysis of Spike trains, algorithms and application.Network: Computation and Neural Systems (1997) 8:127-164

We have used this spike metric to quantitatively characterize the variability of the responses to random amplitude modulations in the electric field in P-receptor afferents of Eigenmannia.

