Visual object recognition: computational and biological mechanisms

Neuro130 / Neuro 230 / GSAS 78454


Class Preliminaries. Monday: 09/11/2017: Slides

Lecture 1: Monday 09/18/2017. [Kreiman] Why is vision difficult? Natural image statistics and the retina. Slides Introduction. Slides about Natural image statistics and the retina. Notes 1. Notes 2.

Lecture 2: Monday 09/25/2017. [Kreiman] Lesions and neurological examination of extrastriate visual cortex. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 1

Lecture 3: Monday 10/02/2017.[Kim] Psychophysical studies of visual object recognition.
Prof. Nakayama's Slides. Slides from Prof. Kreiman's 2014 lecture. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 2

Lecture 4: Monday 10/16/2017. [Gomez-Laberge] Primary visual cortex. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 3

Lecture 5: Monday 10/23/2017. [Azevedo] Adventures into terra incognita: probing the neurophysiological responses along the ventral visual stream. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assigment 4

Lecture 6: Monday 10/30/2017. [Ponce] First steps into inferior temporal cortex. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 5

Lecture 7: Monday 11/06/2017. [Isik] From the highest echelons of visual processing to cognition. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 6

Lecture 8: Monday 11/13/2017. [Kreiman] From correlation to causation: electrical stimulation of visual cortex. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 7

Lecture 9: Monday 11/20/2017. [Kreiman] First steps towards in silico vision. Computational models of the ventral visual stream. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 8

Lecture 10: Monday 11/27/2017. [Lotter] Computer Vision. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 9

Lecture 11:Monday 12/04/2017. [Barbu] Vision and Language. Slides. Notes. Discussion: Reading Assignment 10

Lecture 12: Monday 12/11/2017. Extra optional class: Visual consciousness Slides. Additional notes on Visual consciousness (this topic does not go into the Final Exam).


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